Tuesday, May 15

Oh, and by the way...


Haha, forgot about that one.  You know, no big deal.  It's not like I'm having dreams at night being interviewed in a tiny room wearing the awful hospital gown with a panel of men surround me with clip boards and my giant chart trying to figure out why my tumors are not growing back but instead other cancers are growing.  Heh.

Two weeks from today we find out if the tumors are still gone.  I'm just not thinking about it - which is why I simply forgot to mention it in 8 down, 8 to go.  But that darn dream reminded me, though!  Oh, and I had an encounter with a bear in that dream too, so I'm not too worried with what my subconscious is dreaming up. 

I mentioned that the visit with my doc went great.  Good bill of health and laughs all around.  As my doctor and nurse coordinator were still laughing at my attempts for a lower dosage and walking out the door (LITERALLY WALKING OUT THE DOOR), Krissy finds the need to pipe in, "Were we going to do scans next time?"  Dammit Kristin Jane, we were SO CLOSE!  Haha, she is right though, it's the halfway point, time to check out my lymph nodes and make sure they are still responding to the chemo.

I have zero reason to believe that the tumors have grown back.  It's just natural I guess to become a bit anxious before scans these days.  I am not showing any signs or symptoms of the Hodgkin's.  But then again... I wasn't in March of 2011 when I relapsed either.  Arg.  Two weeks will be here before I know it; there's no reason to fret.  Two weeks of amazing weather, fun plans with friends, the end of the school year, leaving me with zero time to worry.  Two weeks!

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