Tuesday, November 1

Mid Cancer Crisis

So I had a mid-cancer crisis.  Well, it's really not as dramatic as it sounds....

It was about midsummer when I was having the brakes replaced on my car and I started talking future maintenance costs with my mechanic.  I began to realize that my car is old.  She just turned nine.  Her engine is still good, but she's now over 110,000 miles and has a lot of little things going on.  We started adding up the work she would need over the next few months (starter, tires, emergency break, etc.) and it was going to be as much as having a car payment every month again.  So what did I decide?  I'd rather have a reliable car and just have a car payment again!

So I was looking for the past couple months and mulled over my expensive taste and what is actually practical in my life.  Well, if you know me well, you probably already know that I chose something fun over practical.  It only took one test drive and I was sold - she's an RX8... on steroids (the 40th anniversary of the rotary engine edition).  She's beautiful!  And SUPER fun!  The life-is-too-short-to-drive-something-practical voice just wouldn't leave my head.  I look at her now and get overly excited.

It took a lot of discussions with friends to make sure this was the responsible decision to make.  Yes, a new, reliable car was going to be a necessity in life (well, used - new to me), so I saved up from the summer and finally pulled the trigger!  I am very proud of my decision.  I teared up when they took my Mazda 6 from me - she was my first big purchase in life post chemo the first time.  I was so proud of what she represented.

I call this my mid-cancer crisis because I am 99% sure I would not have purchased such a fun car if I wasn't living everyday of life like it could be the last.  Life is too short to drive a car you don't love.  I'm in love with driving my car!

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