Saturday, July 23

Feeling Some Physical Relief

It's been over 3 months into treatment and I have found myself becoming more and more adjusted to the side effects... or so I thought!  About 2 weeks ago I was completely overwhelmed with pain and discomfort.  I came to the realization that the side effects are only going to increase and continue.  My doctor started me on an antibiotic again which has helped SIGNIFICANTLY!  I have been on it for about a week and still have 2 weeks to go.  My voice has returned, my cough has decreased, I can sing songs with my kids and not fall out of breath, and my throat is no longer sore.  It feels good to finally feel good!  I've also found myself not nearly as nauseous or food focused.  I'm still eating more than I should (and I've hit a weight that shows it, UG), but my whole day no longer revolves around what and when I eat.  The only pain I'm struggling with now is the muscle pain (side effect).  I've been trying to stay active to keep my muscles moving instead of cramping up.  They can cramp so bad it feels like someone is tightening a belt around my chest and it takes my breath away.  I've figured out how to keep it under control for the most part, thank goodness!  I'm feeling it again today, but that's because I've been laying around all day :).  I have been looking forward to this day for weeks - I have done NOTHING and I have NOTHING to do!  Feels good!

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