Monday, October 3

Good Medicine vs. Not So Good Medicine

I think some people get confused about what's the bigger pain: the cancer or the chemo.  As far as medicine goes, chemo is pretty extreme.  Now granted, if I wasn't on chemo the cancer would eventually take over, and well... sad day.  But honestly, the cancer does not hurt.  I have no pain from it - I would still not know to this day that I relapsed 6 months ago... so a big thanks to my wonderful oncologist who has kept me under good observation!  The chemo is saving my life, but yes it does have annoyances.  It got me thinking... there are a lot of "medicines" in my life.  And I credit them all to be good, but with the good there does come some not so good...

Visiting my two oldest friends in Colorado two weekends ago...
The Good:  Katie, Bryan, and I grew up on the same street (as well as many other Carman Kids who we are still besties with), but they moved away from the rest of us when we graduated college.  They are one of those fairytale stories you hear about... They started dating when we were 16 and today have a beautiful six month old daughter.  Lucy is beautiful and some of the BEST medicine I could ever ask for.  Her giggles are beyond genuine.  Bryan had a plane ticket that was going to expire in a few weeks and unfortunately he and Katie could not work out the logistics to use it for a STL trip to visit fam.  So what do they do?  Call up their oldest and favorite friend to come visit :).  I flew up there the weekend after I returned home from the hospital.  It was EXACTLY what I needed!!  We napped, enjoyed some great food, took a beautiful drive in the mountains, napped some more, watched some old school Nickeloden, had a popcorn party with Marissa, continued with naps, made an apple pie (with apples from their backyard - so cool!), went shopping, and got in another nap.  Bryan and I do love our naps!  I loved every moment of my trip and still find it hard to believe that two of the closest people in my life live so so so far away.  Before my final departure I brainstormed ideas of how I could sneak Lucy onto the plane with me... Unsuccessful. 
The Not So Good:  I have been to Denver many times in years past and have NEVER had an issue with the altitude.  But I have also never been up there while recovering from pneumonia.  My lungs and the fresh mountain air did NOT agree!  Just getting out of the car in the mountains to take pics with Lucy caused me to lose my breath!  Geeze!  But it wasn't just the annoyance of trying to breathe, the lack of oxygen increased my cough.  My increased cough re-injured my not quite healed fractured rib from my summer infection (which I first acquired from coughing.... yes, coughing). 

My children from school...
The Good:  You've heard it enough, I'm pretty much obsessed with my job.  These kids keep me smiling and laughing all day!  They are so pure and innocent, a true breath of fresh air.  I love them individually for such fascinating characteristics as well as adorable quirks!  Just last week I was sitting on the floor with a student who was sorting colored objects when a child 15 feet away in the library looks up from her book to say very matter-o-factually, "Missa, I really love you." Priceless.  But my favorite story.... Last year a child of mine had an injury on her hand.  She sat in my lap while I held an icepack on her hand.  As minutes passed, the ice pack warmed and her tears and pain disappeared.  She continued to sit in my lap and play with the ice pack.  While squishing the melting pack, she took notice of my chest.  She looked at my chest, then at the icepack in her hands.  Back at my chest and back to the icepack... then took the ice pack and placed it on the 6 year old port scar on my chest.  Pure innocence; her remarkable compassion still makes me tear up today.
The Not So Good:  I have taught them very well how to take turns and share... unfortunately too well.  They are the source of the germs that caused my week long stay in the hospital.  Oopsies.

My social life....
The Good:  I am sooo blessed to have sooo many friends!  I book myself daily with movies, dinners, happy hours, dinners, trips, brunches, hanging out, dates, and events.  I love every minute of my busy live-it-to-the-fullest lifestyle.  You remember that Tim McGraw song, Live Like You are Dying?  Well that's me.  I don't actually push myself to live life to the fullest, it just happens naturally.  I just don't want to miss out!  And that's not just with cancer, Kuhn, JRob and I had a very social Winter 2010 :)
The Not so Good:  I'm tired!!!  It's hard to balance fun with my need for rest.  Working on that one...

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