Friday, December 2

Finally some pep in my step!

This week has deininiately been MUCH better!  I've continued with the 8:00 bed time and I'm wondering if the snot will EVER leave, but the energy is back up!  Hooray!  I still have some moments of dizziness where I catch myself finding the room spinning, but I am keeping my meals down and it's been weeks since my temp has spiked for no apparent reason, so I'll take it!  It feels so damn good to be getting over this. 

Over the past few years I would catch myself driving with the windows down, loving the wind and feeling absolutely great when I would be slapped in the face with reality - this is a moment I should cherish.  I CANNOT take my health for granted.  And I found myself doing that every now and then, forgetting how horrible it was or how bad it possibly could be.  It's gut wrenching sometimes to know I have big plans in the near future and there is good probability that I will wake up ill and unable to attend.  That is why I am such a big believer for living in the moment.  I almost feel like Jim Carey from Yes Man, I have no reason to turn down any invitation or opportunity.

Being with friends over Thanksgiving was very therapeutic as well - much needed mental medicine.  I also have had this annoying abdominal pain looming over my head.  We had NO idea what it was.  Strange pain, comes and goes, but slightly intense.  I felt like this was just something else to add to the laundry list.  There is ALWAYS something.  And that was getting to me - knowing that once I get over one bump in the road, another bump will be there waiting.  But I'm happy to realize that my slump is over and I'm ready to deal with the bumps head on! 

As for the abdominal pain, I had a CAT scan on Monday - totally annoyed to be paying hundreds of dollars and missing an afternoon of work - but at least my oncologist and I will have peace of mind.  The good news - nothing showed up!  So it's not a tumor or crazy infection.  We are banking on muscle tear.  And now you wonder, what on earth is this girl doing to tear a muscle?  Well, as you have learned one of my many talents is injuring my body without any realization.  In the past 5 months I have fractured two ribs simply from coughing.  This muscle tear would be a result from vomiting - that stomach flu seriously beat me up!  It is not healing very quickly (going on 3 weeks now), but it's also very tolerable.  It could absolutely be worse!

It feels soo good to have an increase of energy, physically and mentally, and to be feeling well again :)

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