Tuesday, April 10


It’s been a whirlwind of a spring so far.  Everywhere I go and everyone I see is more than eager to offer their congratulations on the excellent news.  I do believe that Sarah actually toasted to me 3 times under a 2 week span.  I have received congratulatory cards, dinners, emails, drinks, hugs, and more facebook posts/messages than I get on my actual birthday!  I think my favorite status that I came across was as truthful as it was celebratory.  It was from an old friend from high school, “I don't know if "congratulations" or "way-to-go" are the right cheers here but either way, I don't think that there could be more awesome news. So happy for you Melissa. You are amazingly courageous."

My sister's facebook, phone, and email blew up as well.  I read messages from friends of friends to their friends of friends excited about my news.  Wow, good news does travel fast - even through people I've never met.  I have been so touched, even honored to be so loved and cared for by so many.  My appreciation is beyond words. 

The first Wednesday following my big news, a friend of my sister’s immediately decided I needed a celebratory dinner.  Amanda is a chef so Krissy and I were more than happy to accept her present.  Despite being days away from delivering her first child (a now healthy and adorable baby boy), she took over Krissy’s kitchen and created the most delectable meal that kitchen has and will ever see.  The theme was French-Moroccan (my dinner theme is usually Trader Joes).  Krissy did a whole post on it if you want to check it out.  The 4th course ended with buttermilk hibiscus rose ice cream – I never knew such a thing could exist!  Needless to say the entire meal was heaven in my belly. 

A couple Fridays ago I gathered with my girlfriends and their significant others for a final celebration.  As ecstatic as I am to be in remission, I am ready to move on; which is why I call it my final celebration.  I still have a couple rounds of scans that will call for their own celebrations as well as my final chemo treatment (October 24, get excited!).  I will always celebrate.  But for now, the tumors are behind me.  I'm ready to spend my time and energy focusing on the future, not just the present.  It's taken a very long time for me to reach this place.  I finally cleared the hurdle. 

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