Wednesday, May 9


Suuuuper excited to announce I am HALFWAY done with chemo!!  Yay!!  Today marks treatment #8, with only 8 more to go!  Honestly, I'm really not that excited.  I am SO over treatment.  But finding fun benchmarks along the way help keep the spirits up.  Whatever works, right?!

So some really AWESOME news I received last time makes my treatment schedule sooo much more manageable this summer.  I have chemo every 3 weeks.  So looking at my calendar, every 3 weeks ran into a wedding I am in, my 30th birthday, and the first day of school (in the fall).  UMMM, that's not going to work for me!  So my doc said it would not be a problem to push one treatment back a week.  This pushes the whole treatment cycle back a week making life muuuch easier!  My last official treatment is October 31st.  And you better expect there will be the celebration of all celebrations come November!!  I had secretly hoped that I could cut chemo short one cycle and be complete before my 30th birthday (how cool would it if I was done with all chemo before 30?!  You know, keep the whole cancer thing in my 20s!).  But I don't see my doc giving into that one :).

Although I am a glass-half-full kind of girl, I am finding NOTHING desirable about my treatments.  SO, now that I'm downhill with treatments, I can consider that glass half empty since my treatments are half over, right?!  Slowly but surely that light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.  It's so hard to believe that it's going to come true!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

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