Thursday, May 3

Can't stop falling asleep!

It's true, I am sleeeeeeeeepy!  As I've mentioned, the hangover is tough in a sense that my body is EXHAUSTED and all I want to do is sleep.  If you're pregnant, it's rather similar... or so I've been told.  There never seems to be enough sleep.  The digestive issues, the heartburn, cravings, nausea... and we both get a life out of it in the end :).  

I am 2 weeks removed from treatment (with one week to go until treatment again) and still tired!  Not cool!  Of course it's not as bad as the day after treatment, but still more than I should be (or at least use to) :(.  The first week I was extra snippy with my kiddos at work and really had to focus on being patient.  I love drinking fruit teas during the day, and I visit Park Ave Coffee almost daily for my tea fix, but I've been needing to have it mixed with a black tea for the caffeine!  Last weekend we had a big event at BLUSH on Friday night and I found my self going home to bed instead of out and about at 10pm!  What?!  Mel not going out on the weekend... now you really know I'm serious!  But I did make it out on Saturday night, although I took a morning and evening nap to get me through it :).  Now that it's towards the end of week 2, my energy level is starting to feel back to normal, thank goodness!  

My hands and feet are starting to take part in the sleepiness, too.  They aren't actually tired, though, but starting to fall asleep... permanently.  The neuropathy is starting to kick in.  After months of achiness in my hands and feet the discomfort is turning into numbness.  It's not a shocker, it's been expected the whole time.  And it's also expected to leave when I complete treatment (October 31st, yes there's a countdown!).  As of now the tips of my fingers are numb.  I cannot open string cheese.  I'm dropping plates as I take them out of the pantry.  I'm really having to focus on normal everyday things!  My feet and hands are falling asleep much more easily and I just look like a crazy person trying to wake them up... while walking around the grocery store, ha!  I am very thankful we are a technological society because my hand cramps just from writing the simplest of note and I throw the pen across the room from frustration.  Typing - MUCH easier!  I might not feel the keys as I press them, but at least I know where to find them!

I might be tired and have appendages falling asleep on me, but I am SO grateful that this is the only "pain" I'm suffering through!  I still find it so hard to believe sometimes that I'm on a chemo this EASY.  It's a good thing I like to sleep :). 

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