Thursday, January 5

Second treatment success!

Even though I'm suffering from an annoying chemo hangover at the moment, I really don't have any complaints from round two!

If I add up the actual time I was spending with labs, vitals, meeting with the doc, and treatment, it adds up to one hour total.  I arrived at 2:00 and left at 6:00.  So, what did I do with the THREE HOURS of wait time in between all of those activities?  Annoy the crap out of Kristin Jane :)

I arrived at Siteman totally overwhelmed - I left school at the MOST inopportune time.  It was our first day back at school and I loved every minute of it, even though it was insanely chaotic!  Getting little guys back into routine after 2+ weeks off isn't the easiest, but I don't enjoy my job because it's easy, I enjoy it because it is the most satisfying way I can spend my day.  I left my co-teacher and assistant teacher feeling helpless while a laundry list of craziness was occurring around them.  I felt awful to leave them and the children.  I was overwhelmed with sadness and guilt.  And where I was heading to was not going to boost my mentality.

Upon my arrival, Krissy and I hung out waiting for my labs, both complaining about being behind at work.  We were realizing that neither of us wanted to be there.  In the book I'm reading, My Sister's Keeper, there's a quote that describes me and Krissy in Siteman perfectly.  "There is an unexpected comfort to being at the oncology wing of the hospital, a sense that I am a member of the club... and there's safety in numbers."  (I've been avoiding reading this book for years, but decided it was time.  I'll let you know how I like it).  As much as we both don't want to be there, Siteman has a homey and confortable feel to it.  We're not alone.  No one actually wants to be there.  So like the rest of the patients and families there that day, we sucked it up and made the best of it.

Luckily labs were pretty quick.  And I love the techs there (besides confusing me with a movie star, they are always happy and the nicest so it's hard to hate them for poking me with needles!).  But then the waiting really began.  I shouldn't complain when we have forever waits like yesterday.  Somebody else is having it harder back there and needs more time with the doc that I do.  But for Krissy's sake, she should really work on staying on time!  We found ourselves crying because we were laughing so hard during our escapade of making up silly games to entertain ourselves... although I'm pretty sure Krissy was laughing at me more than she was with me.  We were quite comical. 

All went well with the doc when a room had finally become available.  She is so optimistic, she made my appointment feel more like a conversation about my job and holiday break with a little bit of cancer talk thrown in.  She was curious and asked what happens with my kiddos when I leave early.  I explained I am fortunate to have an assistant who was able to stay today.  Throughout more of her questioning, we found a way to make visiting Siteman less of a burden on my day.  I always take her last appointment of the day (2:40), but she and her nurse coordinator continued to discuss that they are there late anyway on Wednesdays so they will make and exception and squeeze me at 5:00!  OMG serisously?!  To anyone else out there, this might sound like nothing big, but to me and Krissy, we were ecstatic!  Treatment is already open late on Wednesdays, so this works into our schedules perfectly especially since we are there every three weeks.  All that time leaving work early adds up!

After visiting with the doc it was time for treatment.  But before treatment, MORE WAITING.  This is when the silliness truly hit us.  I try hiding Krissy's books from her so she has to entertain me instead of read, but that ended in a tickle match and more crying from laughter.  Then later I found myself coloring on her instead of my coloring book - but she totally deserved it, she just knows how to push my buttons!  We were entirely annoyed with more waiting (well, maybe more me than her) but sure enough found ways to entertain ourselves while we waited!

Treatment this time wasn't bad at all.  Krissy and I got cozy in our chairs and enjoyed some good ol' Chex mix while chatting with the girl next to us.  It was nice to talk with someone who was younger and as positive as I am.  You don't see that very often (at least the age part).  Krissy and I hung out with her talking about the similarities and differences between our cancers like it was ex-boyfriends we were discussing - the good, the bad, the dramatic, and the unknown.  I'm pretty sure her optimism came from the fact that she hit remission after 2 months of treatment.  Either way, she still got a congratulatory cheers from me with my Sprite.

The rest of the actual treatment went fine.  It wasn't until I stood up to leave when I felt it.  You know when you're sitting and have had a drink or two and don't feel the rush of the alcohol until you stand up?  That is exactly the sneak attack I had with my chemo.  Wobbly knees, fuzzy head, and a bit of dizziness.  Nothing like a long walk through Barnes CAM center didn't take care of.  I still don't like having chemo administered in my arm, the port would be MUCH nicer.  But I really don't want a port for the 20 days in between each treatment!  For now, the conversation of a port will not be held until we know whether or not this drug is working.  I will rescan in 6 weeks for the verdict.  Until then, get poked with uncomfortable needles and hope for the best!

As for today, the hangover was pretty rough.  I thought it was only rough last time because I was also dealing with the news that my cancer was growing.  But no, chemo sucks.  The nausea and inability to find energy was the hard part.  And really upset stomach, UG!  Thank you, Ronna, for having food ready to go for me today - it totally kept my strength up!  I decided from here on out I'm going to take half days on the Thursdays after chemo.  Sleeping off the hangover is going to be a necessity in order for me to get through the next day without being grumpy!  Last night I made dinner plans so I could stuff my face in case I wasn't able to eat today (and also to relax and mentally enjoy my time before the hangover hit).  But this morning was rough - I felt like I had been out all night partying instead of being hooked up to an iv for an hour.  So decision made - Thursday Half-days here I come!


  1. Hi Melissa...

    Just started reading your blog. Wishing you health, love and strength as you go through this round.

