Tuesday, January 31

Two More Weeks!

So I don't know why, but I've been avoiding publishing a post this week.  I've written two since treatment.  Quite possibly it's because my thoughts are ALL OVER the place.  Scans and results will be back in two weeks - I'm anxious!  With the weather yesterday and today, how can one not be happy?!  I'm going to go back and focus on my post that I wrote over the weekend... somehow in one paragraph I can't stop talking about how happy I am from the weekend, and then a few paragraphs down I'm focusing on how thin my patience are and I am quick to snap at others.  I seriously need a chill pill!  Well, for now how about this.... I'm feeling great (all 3 prescriptions from the doc are dramatically clearing  up my sinus infection) and only doing what makes me happy (which includes a lot of social time and lay around and watch Gossip Girl reruns - don't judge me!). 

I'm soo happy to be feeling well physically.  Two more weeks and hopefully I can let my brain take a break from this anxiety!  OR, maybe I will somehow learn how to relax in the next 14 days prior to the results.  Ha, if there's one thing you know about me there is not a whole lot of calmness - lots of energy!  Maybe that's why I make such a good preschool teacher :)

1 comment:

  1. I need to teach you my relaxation techniques I learned while pregnant :)
