Tuesday, February 7

Fever Free!

Well, at least I am for the most part.  I still have a low-grade that likes to come and go today, but at this point I don't care.  If it doesn't involve crazy painful chills and sweats that make me change my shirt, then it's not a real fever in my book!

The Good Health Gods were looking over me yesterday while Krissy and I visited the hospital.  We hung out in the cancer clinic for the afternoon, me in a sick-daze and Krissy focused on her Mac, aka her "Satellite Office".  The clinic is different than Siteman - this clinic is still on the North Campus, but it shares a floor (4900) with cancer patients' rooms (whether they are receiving chemo or are there recovering from an infection).  I was told to pack an overnight bag "just in case" and then realizing how close I was to patients' rooms I started to become nervous!  Pretty much I was there so the nurse practitioners could hopefully figure out why these freak fevers were occurring.  I've started a cough and a bit of congestion as well.  After poking both arms and another chest x-ray, the results came back with nada.  Maybe viral?  I'm still finishing up my antibiotic from the sinus infection so that obviously isn't working.  They decided to beef up my antibiotics and send me on my way.  My white counts have dropped, but not enough to keep me (holding on strong with 500 above being neutropenic!) AND I didn't have a fever strike while I was there.  Towards the end of the visit I could feel another one coming on, and they checked my temp before I left, but it was still good so they sent me home!  Thank you Heath Gods because I suffered through the chills all the way home (I turned Krissy's car into a sauna) and Krissy tucked me into bed with my fever rising again.  THANK GOODNESS this occurred after I left because they very well might have admitted me if they saw this occur!  After an hour of whimpering and complaining from the awful aches, my fever broke and I was back to feeling myself.  SO STRANGE.  I feel totally fine in between fevers, it's just a matter of getting through them.  Apparently my body is unhappy about something it has caught and is trying it's hardest to fight it off.  The new meds are so far working - last night was my last fever! 

Today I've been a bit out of it, trying to regain energy and getting myself ready for the mindset of kids again tomorrow.  I decided to read the info that came along with my prescription and I learned why I feel so out of it!  There are FIVE AND A HALF pages printed off of a computer of directions and side effect complications related to this antibiotic.  The most prominent side effect - dizziness.  Yup, I feel like I'm in a cloud.  That should go great with kids tomorrow, right?!

It's late enough (well, 9:00) for me to finally go to sleep for the night.  I've tried to keep myself up all day so I can sleep well tonight.  I'm SO excited for this, Sleep.  Is.  Amazing.  Good night!

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